tiistai 30. marraskuuta 2010


Etiopian nutut pitäisi lähettää vihdoin eteenpäin, kun eivät ne tuolla kaapissa ketään lämmitä. Turussa niitä ottaa seurakunta vastaan 2.12. Olen saanut yhteensä 10 valmiiksi, 11. on viimeistelemättä. Nutut on neulottu jämälangoista, pääasiassa puuvillasta. Olen tehnyt huvin vuoksi vähän erilaisia ja eri kokoisia. Eivät väritykseltään mitään superhienoja, mutta ajavat varmasti asiaa.

3 kommenttia:

  1. Thank you very much for your comment on my blog.
    I don't understand finnish, but I love these vests. Do you sell them?
    Lots of greetings,

  2. Hi! These are for a Finnish charity work to Ethiopia. They give them out on hospitals for newborns. This way they are asking mothers to give birth in hospitals which is quite rare there. They are trying to reduce deaths of mothers (very high there). Finnish people has knitted almost 30 000 vests now, this in my effort. ;) More information (sorry in Finnish) http://www.tuppurainen.fi/blogit/nuttu/

    I often use automatic google translation to understand texts in blogs.

    Here you go the instruction in Swedish:

    .”Nuttu” på svenska

    Lägg upp 70 maskar.
    • Sticka 2 räta, 2 aviga i 22cm
    • sticka sedan alltid rätt med 24 maskar, 2 rätt 2 avigt med mittersta 22 maskar, sedan alltid rätt med 24 maskar, 3cm
    • efter 3 cm avsluta de mittersta 22 maskar och sticka sedan vänstra axeln med alltid rätta maskar i 3cm+3cm (bakdelen) gör likadant på högra sidan.
    • sticka sedan alltid rätt med 24 maskar, tillägg 22 maskar, 2 rätt 2 avigt, sticka alltid rätt med 24 maskar
    • sticka såhär I 3cm
    • sedan sticka 2 rätt 2 avigt I 22cm, avsluta
    • sy sidorna ihop, komihåg att lämna öppning för armarna.

    And in English:
    1. Start with casting on 70 stitches.
    2. Knit with those 70 stitches for 22 cm by knitting 2, purling 2.
    3. Then knit 24 stitches by garter stitching, then 22 stitches by knitting 2, purling 2, then 24s again by garter stitching. Repeat that for about 3 cm.
    4. After that, fasten the 22 stitches in the middle, and knit both of the shoulders separately, for about 6 cm.
    5. Knit 24 stitches by garter stitching. Cast on 22 stitches, knit 24 stitches by garter stitching. Start knitting like in point 3, again for about 3 cm.
    6. After that, knit 2 purl 2 for 22 cm. Fasten the stitches and you'll have a long, knitted thing with a neck in the middle.
    7. Sew the seams. Remember to leave the holes for the arms!!

    This piece of knitting is quite easy, not too hard for you even if you've never knitted before :)).

  3. What an amazing work for Ethiopia! Really fantastic!

    Thanks for the instructions :-)
